61. Practical pulse broadening value for graded index fiber lies in the range of . . . . . . . .
62. The nonlinear effects in optical fibers are large.
63. Mie scattering has in-homogeneities mainly in . . . . . . . .
64. What is refraction?
65. How many propagation modes are present in single mode fibers?
66. Self-phase modulation causes modifications to the pulse spectrum.
67. Rayleigh scattering and Mie scattering are the types of . . . . . . . .
68. Nonlinear effects which are defined by the intensity - dependent refractive index of the fiber are called as . . . . . . . .
69. Which is the most important velocity in the study of transmission characteristics of optical fiber?
70. Most of the power in an optical fiber is transmitted in fiber cladding.
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