Let A be an n × n real matrix such that A2 = $$I$$ and y be an n-dimensional vector.
Then the linear system of equations Ax = y has

All the four entries of the 2 × 2 matrix \[{\text{P}} = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{{\text{p}}_{11}}}&{{{\text{p}}_{12}}} \\ {{{\text{p}}_{21}}}&{{{\text{p}}_{22}}} \end{array}} \right]\]   are nonzero, and one of its eigen values is zero. Which of the following statements is true?

If the rank of a (5 × 6) matrix Q is 4, then which one of the following statements is correct?

The maximum value of "a" such that the matrix \[\left( {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} { - 3}&0&{ - 2} \\ 1&{ - 1}&0 \\ 0&{\text{a}}&{ - 2} \end{array}} \right)\]   has three linearly independent real eigen vectors is

In the matrix equation Px = q, which of the following is a necessary condition for the existence of at least one solution for the unknown vector x

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