
Find the missing character?
missing character finding

A. 14B

B. 12C

C. 16C

D. 10C

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

In each column, A, B and C must have appeared once.
Along the diagonals, the sum of two numbers is equal to the third number.

Thus, the missing number will be (7 +9) = 16 and the letter will be C.

Missing Character = 16C

This Question Belongs to Competitive Reasoning >> Missing Character Finding

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Comments ( 4 )

  1. Shahuraj Satphle
    Shahuraj Satphle :
    2 years ago

    7-1=6 , 6÷2=12 , 12+3=15
    5-1=4 , 4÷2=8 , 8+9=17
    6-1=5 , 5÷2=10 , 10+19=29

  2. Sunny Dewal
    Sunny Dewal :
    4 years ago

    Digonally 9+6=15
    rejected to (3c /5c/19A /17A)
    / /

  3. Ashish Jaiswal
    Ashish Jaiswal :
    7 years ago

    Column has ABC in last column C is missing
    Sum of diagonals 6+9 = 15
    so 7+9 = 16
    Answer is 16C

  4. Asit Das
    Asit Das :
    7 years ago

    I can't understand pls explain it in detail...

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