
For which of these storage engines are configuration options always built?

A. Falcon


C. InnoDB


Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

This question is about storage engines in MySQL. A storage engine is like a way to store and retrieve data in a database.
Think of it like a filing cabinet:
      - Each storage engine is like a different kind of cabinet.
      - InnoDB is a cabinet designed for speed and reliability.
      - MyISAM is a cabinet designed for fast data access.
      - FEDERATED is a cabinet that lets you connect to other databases.
      - Falcon is not a real storage engine in MySQL.
The question asks which of these storage engines has configuration options built in. These are like settings you can adjust to make the cabinet work better.
The answer is InnoDB
      - InnoDB has many configuration options.
So the final answer is Option C.

This Question Belongs to MySQL >> MySQL Miscellaneous

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