
Given the following piece of code:
public interface Guard{
        void doYourJob();
abstract public class Dog implements Guard{ }

which of the following statements is correct?

A. This code will not compile, because method doYourJob() in interface Guard must be defined abstract.

B. This code will not compile, because class Dog must implement method doYourJob() from interface Guard.

C. This code will not compile, because in the declaration of class Dog we must use the keyword extends instead of implements.

D. This code will compile without any errors.

Answer: Option D

This Question Belongs to Java Program >> Interfaces And Abstract Classes

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  1. Gaurabh Khugshal
    Gaurabh Khugshal :
    6 years ago

    Abstract class needs to declare one abstract method. Here interface method is by default abstract and hence the code compiles.

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