
He has killed his own father. He is in jail because of . . . . . .

A. father’s death

B. homicide

C. suicide

D. patricide

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Option A: father's death is not the right choice because it doesn't specifically describe the act of killing one's father. It merely refers to the outcome.

Option B: homicide is a broader term for killing a person, but it doesn't specify that it was one's own father who was killed.

Option C: suicide is the act of taking one's own life, which is the opposite of killing one's father.

Option D: patricide is the correct answer. Patricide is the term used to describe the act of killing one's own father. It precisely fits the situation described in the question, making it the most appropriate choice.

In summary, while all the options are related to death, only Option D: patricide accurately describes the act of killing one's own father, making it the correct choice in this context.

This Question Belongs to Competitive English >> Grammar

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Ravian Tuba
    Ravian Tuba :
    6 months ago

    Homicide: the killing of one person by another
    Suicide: killing own self
    Patricide: killing of one's father

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