
How many digit required to write numbers from 1 to 50 ?

A. 100

B. 92

C. 91

D. 50

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

$$\eqalign{ & {\text{No}}{\text{. of digits}} \cr & {\text{0 - 9 }} \to {\text{ 1}} \times {\text{9 = 9}} \cr & {\text{10 - 19 }} \to {\text{ 2}} \times {\text{10 = 20}} \cr & {\text{20 - 29 }} \to {\text{ 2}} \times {\text{10 = 20}} \cr & {\text{30 - 39 }} \to {\text{ 2}} \times {\text{10 = 20}} \cr & 40{\text{ - 49 }} \to {\text{ 2}} \times {\text{10 = 20}} \cr & 50\, \to \,2 \times {\text{1 = 2 = 91}} \cr} $$

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Number System

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