
If she had worked hard, she . . . . . . in the election.

A. will elect

B. will be elected

C. would have been elected

D. would have elected

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The sentence is in the past perfect tense and follows a conditional structure. It indicates a hypothetical or unreal situation in the past. The correct structure for this kind of conditional statement is "if + past perfect, then the result in the past would have been." In this case, "she had worked hard" is the past perfect part, and the result in the past is "elected." So, the complete sentence is: "If she had worked hard, she would have been elected."

Let's break down the options:
Option A: will elect is incorrect because it does not maintain the past tense required for the hypothetical situation.
Option B: will be elected is also incorrect as it uses future tense, which is not appropriate for a past hypothetical scenario.
Option D: would have elected is incorrect because it doesn't use the correct structure for past hypothetical situations.

So, the correct answer is Option C: would have been elected, which accurately reflects the past perfect conditional structure.

This Question Belongs to Competitive English >> Grammar

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Rahan Raiyan
    Rahan Raiyan :
    6 months ago

    they never clarify any confusion...shame!

  2. Sohan Jukebox
    Sohan Jukebox :
    3 years ago

    Why " would have not " correct ?

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