If the load resistance decreases in a Zener regulator, then Zener current ___________
A. Decreases
B. Stays the same
C. Increases
D. None of the above
Answer: Option A
A. Decreases
B. Stays the same
C. Increases
D. None of the above
Answer: Option A
A. Less than load current
B. Zero
C. More than load current
D. None of the above
If the load resistance decreases in a Zener regulator, then Zener current ___________
A. Decreases
B. Stays the same
C. Increases
D. None of the above
A Zener regulator ___________ in the power supply
A. Increases the ripple
B. Decreases the ripple
C. Neither increases nor decreases the ripple
D. Data insufficient
Zener diode are generally made of ___________
A. Germanium
B. Silicon
C. Carbon
D. None of the above
if the load resistance decreases, load current increases. This in turn will reduce the zener current