In a 500 m race, the ratio of the speeds of two contestants A and B is 3 : 4. A has a start of 140 m. Then, A wins by:
A. 60 m
B. 40 m
C. 20 m
D. 10 m
Answer: Option C
Solution(By Examveda Team)
To reach the winning post A will have to cover a distance of (500 - 140)m, i.e., 360 m.While A covers 3 m, B covers 4 m.
While A covers 360 m, B covers $$\left( {\frac{4}{3} \times 360} \right)$$ m = 480 m.
Thus, when A reaches the winning post, B covers 480 m and therefore remains 20 m behind.
∴ A wins by 20 m.
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