
In an examination, 5% of the applicants were found ineligible and 85% of the eligible candidates belonged to the general category. If 4275 eligible candidates belonged to other categories, then how many candidates applied for the examination?

A. 30000

B. 35000

C. 37000

D. 39000

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

$$\eqalign{ & {\text{Let the total number of applicants be x}}. \cr & {\text{Number of eligible candidates}} \cr & = {\text{ }}95\% {\text{ }}of{\text{ }}x \cr & {\text{Eligible candidates of other categories}}, \cr & = 15\% \,of\,\left( {95\% {\text{ }}of{\text{ }}x} \right) \cr & = {\frac{{15}}{{100}}} \times {\frac{{95}}{{100}}} \times x \cr & = \frac{{57}}{{400}}x \cr & or,\left( {\frac{{57}}{{400}}} \right)x \cr & x = \frac{{ {4275 \times 400} }}{{57}} \cr & \,\,\,\,\,\, = 30000 \cr} $$

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Percentage

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Habib Khan
    Habib Khan :
    3 years ago

    85 %is for general so for open =100-85=15%

  2. Sunil Kansal
    Sunil Kansal :
    6 years ago

    Sir tell me about 15% pls

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