In Java, what is the result of the expression "Hello".substring(1, 4)?
A. "Hel"
B. "H"
C. "ell"
D. "llo"
Answer: Option C
A. "Hel"
B. "H"
C. "ell"
D. "llo"
Answer: Option C
In Java, which class is used to represent a sequence of characters as a string?
A. String
B. StringBuilder
C. StringSequence
D. StringArray
What is the correct way to create a new empty String object in Java?
A. String emptyString = "";
B. String emptyString = new String();
C. String emptyString = " ";
D. String emptyString = null;
E. Both A and B
Which of the following methods is used to compare two strings for equality in Java?
A. equals()
B. compareTo()
C. equalsIgnoreCase()
D. compare()
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