
In Sabarmati Express, there as many wagons as there are the no. of seats in each wagon and not more than one passenger can have the same berth (seat). If the middlemost compartment carrying 25 passengers is filled with 71.428% of its capacity, then find the maximum no. of passengers in the train that can be accommodated if it has minimum 20% seats always vacant.

A. 500 seats

B. 786 seats

C. 980 seats

D. 1060 seats

E. None of These

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Total number of passenger in each compartment = $$\frac{{ {25 \times 7} }}{5}$$  = $$35$$
Total berth = 352 = 1225
Maximum available capacity
$$\eqalign{ & = \frac{{ {1225 \times 80} }}{{100}} \cr & = 980\,{\text{seats}} \cr} $$

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Percentage

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  1. Anshumaan Singh
    Anshumaan Singh :
    2 months ago

    can anyone explain it better?

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