Items such as "would exclude from my country" or "would admit to marriage in my family" are found in which attitude measure?
A. A reference group scale
B. A social distance scale
C. An attitude scale
D. An open-ended interview
Answer: Option B
A. A reference group scale
B. A social distance scale
C. An attitude scale
D. An open-ended interview
Answer: Option B
One of the first investigators to suggest that learning principles could be applied to attitudes was
A. Green spoon (1955)
B. Doob (1947)
C. Griffitt (1970)
D. Leon Festinger (1957)
A. An unpleasant state that occurs when we notice that various attitudes we hold, are some how inconsistent
B. A pleasant state of emotional attitude
C. A theory related to intelligence
D. Semantic memory
A. Impression formation
B. Cognitive Framework
C. Stereotype formation
D. Systematic distortion
Who has given the theory of cognitive dissonance?
A. Likert
B. Doob
C. Leon Festinger
D. None of the above
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