1. How do we define the term Thread? A. Device that controls input B. Variable that controls movement C. Controlled execution of applications D. All of the mentioned Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option C Solution: Threads are sequential units of controlled execution for applications.
2. What does the browser do to set up a TCP/IP connection? A. TCP one-way handshake B. TCP two-way handshake C. TCP three-way handshake D. None of the mentioned Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option C Solution: The browser negotiates a TCP three-way handshake with the remote web server to set up a TCP/ IP connection.
3. What does the handshake pass between the browser and the remote server? A. Synchronize B. Accept C. Reject D. Decline Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option A Solution: The handshake consists of a Synchronize, Synchronize-Acknowledge, and Acknowledge message to be passed between the browser and the remote server.
4. How does the handshake help the server? A. Acknowledge B. Accept the attempt C. Both Acknowledge and Accept the attempt D. None of the mentioned Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option C Solution: The handshake allows the server to acknowledge and accept the attempt.
5. What is the purpose of the transport layer? A. TCP Communication takes place B. UDP Communication takes place C. Both TCP and UDP Communication takes place D. None of the mentioned Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option C Solution: The Transport layer is where our TCP (or UDP) communication takes place.
6. What does the status code 200 indicate? A. Error in request B. Error in response C. Error in server D. Successful Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option D Solution: The status code 200 indicates a successful response from the server.
7. What does the status code 500 indicate? A. Error in request B. Error in response C. Error in server D. Successful Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option A Solution: The status code 500 means that there was an error when trying to fulfill the request.
8. What does the application layer handle? A. Top-level communication B. Bottom-level communication C. Both Top-level and Bottom-level communication D. None of the mentioned Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option A Solution: The Application layer handles the top-level communication that the client and servers use, like HTTP and SMTP for email clients.
9. Which status code indicates that the server could not find the resource requested? A. 200 B. 404 C. 500 D. 566 Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option B Solution: The status code 404 means that the server could not find the resource requested.
10. What is the maximum size of an IP packet for IPv4 or IPv6? A. 65540 B. 65535 C. 65577 D. 67544 Answer & Solution Discuss in Board Save for Later Answer & Solution Answer: Option B Solution: The maximum size of an IP packet for IPv4 or IPv6 is 65535.