The application/statement for registration of a firm, under section 58 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932

The liability, under section 25 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, is fastened on the partner, for the acts of the firm, done

A 'notice' under section 43 of the Act

The liability of a person introduced in the partnership, under section 31(2) of the Act

The rate of interest prescribed under section 13, where a partner, advances money beyond the amount of capital, for the business of the partnership, is

Section 22 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 requires that the partner contracting for the firm must

Clause (e) of section 44 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, covers cases of

Which of the following is the duty of a partner?
1. Duty of absolute good faith
2. Duty to render the true account
3. Duty not to compete
4. Proper use of property

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