81. Any column or raw of a simplex table is called a __________.
82. If there are ‘m’ original variables and ‘n’ introduced variables, then there will be _____________ columns in the simplex table.
83. A minimization problem can be converted into a maximization problem by changing the sign of coefficients in the _____________.
84. If in a LPP , the solution of a variable can be made infinity large without violating the constraints, the solution is _____________.
85. In maximization cases, _____________ are assigned to the artificial variables as their coefficients in the objective function.
86. In simplex method, we add _____________ variables in the case of ‘=’.
87. In simplex method, if there is tie between a decision variable and a slack (or surplus) variable, __________ should be selected.
88. A BFS of a LPP is said to be ________________ if at least one of the basic variable is zero.
89. In LPP, degeneracy occurs in ____________ stages.
90. Every LPP is associated with another LPP is called ______________.
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