1. The pressure and temperature conditions of air at the suction of compressor are
2. If p1, is the pressure of air entering the L.P. cylinder and p2 is the pressure of air leaving the L.P. cylinder (or inter-cooler pressure), then the ratio of cylinder diameters for a single acting, two stage reciprocating air compressor with complete intercooling is given by (where D1 = Diameter of L.P. cylinder and D2 = Diameter of H.P. cylinder)
3. In n1 and n2 are the indices of compression for the first and second stage of compression, then the ratio of work-done on the first and second stages $$\left( {\frac{{{{\text{W}}_1}}}{{{{\text{W}}_2}}}} \right)$$ with perfect intercooling is given by
4. If p1 is the pressure of air entering the L.P. cylinder and p3 is the pressure of air leaving the H.P. cylinder, then the ratio of cylinder diameters for a single acting, two stage reciprocating compressor with complete intercooling is given by
5. Volumetric efficiency of a compressor decreases with ________ in compression ratio.
6. In multistage compressor, the isothermal compression is achieved by
7. In a single stage, single acting reciprocating air compressor, without clearance, the work-done on the air during isentropic compression is ________ the heat required to raise the temperature of air from T1 to T2 at a constant pressure.
8. Out of the following, from where you will prefer to take intake for air compressor
9. For supplying intermittent small quantity of air at high pressure, following compressor is best suited
10. The thrust on the rotor in a centrifugal compressor is produced by
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