1. Natural right is one of self-preservation' is the view held by
2. Who said that equality prevailing in the state of nature disappeared with the advent of the concept of private proper?
3. Who elaborated on "the crooked timber of humanity"?
4. According to Hobbes, what is the state of nature of the live in the social contract?
5. Which philosopher among the following has classified 'Adjectives' in three categories?
(A)-words, (D)-words, G-words as per their functions?
(A)-words, (D)-words, G-words as per their functions?
6. Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?
a. Ronald Dworkin
1. Environmental rights
b. John Rawls
2. International rights
c. W Kymlicka
3. Minority rights
d. Charles Taylor
4. Liberal rights
List-I | List-II |
a. Ronald Dworkin | 1. Environmental rights |
b. John Rawls | 2. International rights |
c. W Kymlicka | 3. Minority rights |
d. Charles Taylor | 4. Liberal rights |
7. Who among the following held the view that state exists to preserve and protect the natural rights of its citizens?
8. What kind of liberty is this "In what ways am I free to act"?
9. State is composed of . . . . . . . . and it has various parts.
10. Which one of the following statements is true with reference to eco-feminism?
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