21. IAEA stands for?
22. US policy toward international terrorism contains a significant of
23. . . . . . . . . looks after financial institutions and regulations that act at a global level.
24. Neoliberal ideas were first implemented in which of the following country?
25. Which of the following countries is not a member of ASEAN?
26. The term . . . . . . . . signifies the consciousness of unity reinforced by psychological and spiritual feelings.
27. Which of the following is not an example of multi-national states?
28. Which one of the following statements regarding realism are true?
1. Thucydides in called the first classical realist.
2. Power is the key to international politics.
3. The main goal of states is survival.
4. All states do not possess power to inflict some harm on its neighbour.
Select the correct answer:
1. Thucydides in called the first classical realist.
2. Power is the key to international politics.
3. The main goal of states is survival.
4. All states do not possess power to inflict some harm on its neighbour.
Select the correct answer:
29. Who said that theories should be judged "not by some pre-occupied abstract principle or concept unrelated to reality. Its purpose is to bring order and meaning to a mass phenomena"?
30. The headquarters of the 'International Labour Organization' is located at . . . . . . . .
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