Which of the following are the features of New Public Management?
1. Contracting out
2. Devolution of authority
3. Focus on performance appraisal
4. Focus on management
Select the correct answer:

The names associated with behavioural theory of organisation are
1. Chester Barnard
2. J. L. Moreno
3. Thomas Carlyle
4. A. H. Maslow
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Who among the following are the critics of the Bureaucratic theory?
1. Talcott Parsons
2. Michel Crozier
3. Robert Presthus
4. F. W. Riggs
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Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and the other labelled as Reason (R). Select the correct answer:
Assertion (A) Decision-making is a process of selection and the aim is to select the best alternative.
Reason (R) Decision-making involves rationality.

Summarising the defects of bureaucracy, W. A. Robson did not include

What is the correct sequence of F. M. Marx's classification of bureaucracy?
1. Merit
2. Guardian
3. Patronage
4. Caste
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