51. Cybernetics means
52. As long as study of Public Administration was not comparative, claims for a science of Public Administration would sound hollow. Who made this statement:
53. Who called bureaucrats as 'ruling servants'?
54. Which of the following statements are correct?
1. Public Administration is a broader concept than administration
2. Administration is a wider concept than Public Administration
3. Public Administration and Administration are synonymous
4. Public Administration and Government Administration are synonymous
1. Public Administration is a broader concept than administration
2. Administration is a wider concept than Public Administration
3. Public Administration and Administration are synonymous
4. Public Administration and Government Administration are synonymous
55. What was he referring to when Mooney said 'conferring of specified authority by a higher authority'?
56. The POSDCORB view of the scope of the study of Public Administration was criticised on the grounds that
1. They are neither the whole of administration nor even the important part of it.
2. They are only the tools of administration.
3. The techniques of management are deeply coloured by the subject media of the services in which they have to operate.
4. The specialised techniques of the various field of concrete administration activity is missing in the posdcorb view.
Select the correct answer:
1. They are neither the whole of administration nor even the important part of it.
2. They are only the tools of administration.
3. The techniques of management are deeply coloured by the subject media of the services in which they have to operate.
4. The specialised techniques of the various field of concrete administration activity is missing in the posdcorb view.
Select the correct answer:
57. Which century according to Easton is 'The Age of Scientific Method'?
58. Arrange the following approaches to the study of Public Administration in a sequential order.
1. Behavioural approach
2. Systems approach
3. Institutional approach
4. Public Policy approach
1. Behavioural approach
2. Systems approach
3. Institutional approach
4. Public Policy approach
59. Who among the following was the first to advance the idea of worker's participation in management?
60. Who among the following coined the term 'representative bureaucracy'?
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