
Propositions are
1. Gift made during marz-ul-maut to a heir is valid without the consent of other heirs under Sunnite law
2. Gift made during marz-ul-maut to a heir is valid without the consent of other heirs under Ithna Ashari law
3. Gift made during marz-ul-maut to a heir is valid only with the consent of other heirs, under Sunnite law
4. Gift made during marz-ul-maut to a heir is valid only with the consent of other heirs under the Shia law.
Which amongst the following is correct

A. 1 is true 2-3-4 are false

B. 1 & 2 are true 3 & 4 are false

C. 2 & 3 are true 1 & 4 are false

D. 3 & 4 are true 1 & 2 are false

Answer: Option C

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