
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 is an Act-

A. Enacted to protect women from any violence

B. Enacted to protect married women from domestic violence

C. Enacted to protect women from domestic violence perpetrated by any adult male

D. Enacted to protect women from domestic violence perpetrated by any person

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 is enacted to provide legal protection and remedies to women who are victims of domestic violence. The Act is not limited to violence perpetrated by adult males or specific relationships (such as marriage). It covers a broader scope and provides protection from domestic violence inflicted by any person, including both male and female individuals, within a domestic relationship. The Act recognizes that domestic violence can occur within various relationships and seeks to ensure the safety and well-being of women in such situations.

Option A: Enacted to protect women from any violence is not the accurate answer as the Act specifically focuses on domestic violence rather than any form of violence.

Option B: Enacted to protect married women from domestic violence is not the complete answer as the Act applies to all women who are victims of domestic violence, regardless of their marital status.

Option C: Enacted to protect women from domestic violence perpetrated by any adult male is not the accurate answer as the Act covers domestic violence perpetrated by any person, not limited to adult males.

Given the options provided, the correct answer is Option D: Enacted to protect women from domestic violence perpetrated by any person.

This Question Belongs to Law >> Domestic Violence

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Aditya Nayak
    Aditya Nayak :
    2 years ago

    Answer should be Option D. As per Definition of Aggrieved Person

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A. Of her right to free legal services under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (39 of 1987)

B. Of her right to file a complaint under section 498A of the Indian Penal Code (45 of 1860), wherever relevant

C. Of her right under Hindu Succession Act as amended by Amending Act No. 39 of 2005

D. All of above