
Salman Khan . . . . . . . . a part of the upcoming Race 4.

A. will also be

B. also will be

C. will be also

D. will also

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Correct Answer: Option A: will also be

In English grammar, the placement of adverbs is important for maintaining proper syntax and clarity. In this sentence, the adverb "also" modifies the verb phrase "will be," indicating that Salman Khan will be participating in the upcoming Race 4 in addition to something else. The correct placement of "also" is before the main verb "will be." Therefore, Option A: will also be is the correct choice.

Options B and C are incorrect because they place "also" between "will" and "be," disrupting the correct word order.
Option D is incorrect because it only places "also" after "will," which also disrupts the correct word order.

This Question Belongs to Competitive English >> Grammar

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Comments ( 3 )

  1. Tehreem Rehman
    Tehreem Rehman :
    3 months ago

    the answer that they are showing is wrong in anwers
    but the explanation is correct dont be confuse
    means the correct answer is "will also be"

  2. Aiswarya Ashok
    Aiswarya Ashok :
    10 months ago

    Answer is wrong . explanation is correct.

  3. Usman Kottapuram
    Usman Kottapuram :
    1 year ago

    Your justification is correct but you have shown wrong option as correct

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