2. Who opined that "a scientific-empirical study of Indian society is not possible"?
3. Who wrote the work 'Presentation of Self in Everyday Life' in 1959?
4. Who is the author of the book Ethnic Plurality in India?
5. Manuel has given the scenario assessing the impact of II on a global societyin his monumental work.
6. Parsons analysis of social system is based on the principle of
7. In his work mind, self and society, Mead gave priority to
8. Gandhi said, "For me there can be no politics without".
9. The following four scholars contributed to structure and function relating concept and theories:
1. Robert K. Merton
2. August Comte
3. T. Parsons
4. B. Malinowski
Which one of the following shows the correct chronological order in which their contributions were made?
1. Robert K. Merton
2. August Comte
3. T. Parsons
4. B. Malinowski
Which one of the following shows the correct chronological order in which their contributions were made?
10. Which of the following statements is/are true for Post-Modernism?
1. It owes its genesis in the time of industrial revolution.
2. It is the reinforcement of modernity.
Select the correct answer:
1. It owes its genesis in the time of industrial revolution.
2. It is the reinforcement of modernity.
Select the correct answer: