
The average of 33 numbers is 74. The average of the first 17 numbers is 72.8 and that of the last 17 numbers is 77.2. If the 17th number is excluded, then what will be the average of the remaining numbers (correct to one decimal place)?

A. 72.9

B. 73.4

C. 71.6

D. 70.8

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Average of 33 members = 74
Sum of numbers = 33 × 74 = 2442
Sum of the first 17 numbers = 1237.6
Sum of the last 17 numbers = 17 × 77.2 = 1312.4
17th number = 1237.6 + 1312.4 - 2442 = 108
Average of 32 numbers $$ = \frac{{2442 - 108}}{{32}} = 72.9$$

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