
The average of 4 positive integers is 59. The highest integer is 83 and the lowest integer is 29. The difference between the remaining two integers is 28. Which of the following integers is higher of the remaining two integers ?

A. 39

B. 48

C. 76

D. Cannot be determined

E. None of these

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Sum of four integers = 59 × 4 = 236
Let the required integers be x and x -28
Then, x + (x - 28) = 236 - (83 + 29)
⇒ 2x - 28 = 124
⇒ 2x = 152
⇒ x = 76
Hence, required integer = 76

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Average

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