
The collations this statement lists are . . . . . . . .

A. names beginning with utf8

B. names ending with utf8

C. names containing utf8% anywhere

D. names ending in utf8%

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The statement SHOW COLLATION LIKE 'utf8%' is used to display collations that start with the characters 'utf8'.
The '%' character is a wildcard in MySQL, meaning it matches any sequence of characters.
Therefore, the statement will list collations whose names begin with 'utf8'.
Option B, names ending with utf8, is incorrect because the statement looks for collations starting with 'utf8', not ending with it.
Option C, names containing utf8% anywhere, is incorrect because the statement specifically looks for collations that start with 'utf8'.
Option D, names ending in utf8%, is incorrect because the statement searches for collations starting with 'utf8', not ending with it.

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