
The context in which the privilege 'CREATE TABLESPACE' applies is . . . . . . . .

A. Server administration

B. Tables

C. Stored routines

D. Views

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Server administration: The 'CREATE TABLESPACE' privilege allows users to create tablespaces at the server level. Tablespaces are used for managing the physical storage of tables and indexes. This privilege falls under the realm of server administration.
Tables: Privileges related to tables include permissions such as SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, etc., but 'CREATE TABLESPACE' is not directly related to individual tables.
Stored routines: Privileges related to stored routines include permissions to create, alter, execute, and drop stored procedures and functions, but 'CREATE TABLESPACE' is not directly related to stored routines.
Views: Privileges related to views include permissions to create, alter, and drop views, but 'CREATE TABLESPACE' is not directly related to views.

Therefore, the correct context for the privilege 'CREATE TABLESPACE' is Option A: Server administration.

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