The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation is found at
A. Harappa
B. Mohenjo-Daro
C. Ropar
D. Kalibangan
Answer: Option B
Solution(By Examveda Team)
The Great Bath is one of the best-known structures among the ruins of the ancient Indus Valley Civilization at Mohenjo-daro in Sindh, Pakistan. Archaeological evidence indicates that the Great Bath was built in the 3rd millennium BCE, soon after the raising of the "citadel" mound on which it is located.Related Questions on Indus Valley Civilisation
The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation is found at
A. Harappa
B. Mohenjo-Daro
C. Ropar
D. Kalibangan
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A. Fairly egalitarian
B. Slave Labour based
C. Colour Varna based
D. Caste based
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A. Lothal
B. Kalibangan
C. Harappa
D. Mohenjo Daro
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A. Horse sacrifice was known to them
B. Cow was sacred to them
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D. The culture was generally static
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