The height of the pilot's eye above the runway surface is assumed
A. 1 m
B. 3 m
C. 4 m
D. 5 m
Answer: Option B
A. 1 m
B. 3 m
C. 4 m
D. 5 m
Answer: Option B
As per ICAO recommendation, minimum width of safety area for instrumental runway should be
A. 78 m
B. 150 m
C. 300 m
D. 450 m
To cope up high temperature of 196°C, the taxi ways and aprons are constructed with
A. Asphaltic concrete
B. Rubberised tar concrete
C. Plain concrete
D. All the above
Effective length of a runway is the distance between
A. Ends of the runway
B. Point of intersection of the obstruction clearance line and the extended plane of the runway surface, and the other end of the runway
C. Point of intersection of the glide path and the extended plane of the runway surface and the other end of the runway
D. Ends of the clear way on either side
The size of landing area for multi engine helicopters operating under 1 FR conditions is
A. 22.5 m × 22.5 m
B. 30 m × 30 m
C. 22.5 m × 30 m
D. 60 m × 120 m
gate occupancy time shall be defined as how many aircraft can be allowed per hour in runway per gate. which is given as 30min, ie 2 per hour
gate utilization factor is defined as time required to aircraft to clear the runway which is given as 0.5
no of gates is 4 therefore 2x0.5x4(no of gates )=4/-