
To cope up high temperature of 196°C, the taxi ways and aprons are constructed with

A. Asphaltic concrete

B. Rubberised tar concrete

C. Plain concrete

D. All the above

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Asphaltic concrete: This type of concrete is used to cope with high temperatures, such as 196°C. It has good resistance to temperature variations and is commonly used in the construction of taxiways and aprons.

Rubberised tar concrete: While it can be used in some applications for its flexibility and durability, it is not typically used for withstanding very high temperatures like 196°C.

Plain concrete: This type of concrete is not suitable for coping with very high temperatures as it can crack or deteriorate under such conditions.

All the above: This option is incorrect because not all listed materials are suitable for high-temperature conditions.

Therefore, to cope with high temperatures of 196°C, the taxiways and aprons are constructed with asphaltic concrete.

This Question Belongs to Civil Engineering >> Airport Engineering

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. M Rizwan
    M Rizwan :
    6 months ago

    why all of above , because asphalt concrete main element is bitumen which burn/ flash point is 170'C.

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