
The index which correlates the combined effects of air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity on the human body, is known as

A. Mean radiant temperature

B. Effective temperature

C. Dew point temperature

D. None of these

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The index which correlates the combined effects of air temperature, relative humidity and air velocity on the human body, is known as Effective temperature

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Nusselt number (NN) is given by

A. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{{\text{h}}l}}{{\text{k}}}$$

B. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\mu {{\text{c}}_{\text{p}}}}}{{\text{k}}}$$

C. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\rho {\text{V}}l}}{\mu }$$

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