The intensity of earthquakes is measured on ________
A. Beaufort scale
B. Richter scale
C. Secant scale
D. Mercalli scale
Answer: Option B
Solution(By Examveda Team)
he intensity of earthquakes is measured on the Richter scale. Developed by Charles F. Richter in 1935, this scale quantifies the energy released by an earthquake. It is a logarithmic scale, meaning that each whole number increase represents a tenfold increase in amplitude of the seismic waves and approximately 31.6 times more energy release.The Beaufort scale is used to measure wind speed and its effects on sea conditions, not earthquake intensity.
The Secant scale and Mercalli scale are used to measure earthquake intensity based on observed effects and damage, but they are not the primary scales for measuring earthquake magnitude.
Hence, the correct answer is Option B:
Richter scale
This answer is wrong as Richter scale measures magnitude and mercalli scale measures intensity
Mercalli scale- intensity
Richter scale- magnitude
Mercalli scale is used to measure the intensity of earthquake wheareas Richter scale is used to measure the magnitude of Earhquake
richter scale for magnitude while mercalli scale for intensity