
The molecules of which gas have highest speed?

A. H2 at -73oC

B. CH4 at 300 K

C. N2 at 1,027oC

D. O2 at 0oC

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

Among the given gases, hydrogen at −50oC has maximum value of T/M and highest speed.

This Question Belongs to General Knowledge >> Chemistry

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Spicy Anil
    Spicy Anil :
    7 years ago

    The speed of gas is calculated by a relation.

    Root Mean square velocity µ(rms) = (3RT/M).

    From this relation we can calculate speed.

    Only mass could not be taken into consideration here because temperature is specified.

    So after calculation.

    Speed of Hydrogen gas = 157380 unit.

    Speed of Methane gas = 68385 unit.

    Speed of Nitrogen gas = 142356 unit.

    Speed of oxygen gas = 46128 unit.

  2. Abdur Rezzak
    Abdur Rezzak :
    8 years ago

    Plz say me the explaination

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