The people of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro culture belonged to the
A. New Stone Age
B. Copper Age
C. Iron Age
D. Chalcolithic Age
Answer: Option D
A. New Stone Age
B. Copper Age
C. Iron Age
D. Chalcolithic Age
Answer: Option D
The Great Bath of Indus Valley civilisation is found at
A. Harappa
B. Mohenjo-Daro
C. Ropar
D. Kalibangan
The Social System of the Harappans was
A. Fairly egalitarian
B. Slave Labour based
C. Colour Varna based
D. Caste based
Which was the only Indus site with an artificial brick dockyard?
A. Lothal
B. Kalibangan
C. Harappa
D. Mohenjo Daro
Which statement on the Harappan Civilization is correct?
A. Horse sacrifice was known to them
B. Cow was sacred to them
C. Pashupati' was venerated by them
D. The culture was generally static
IvC is bronze age (alloy) not chalcolithic
Chalcolithic age is also known as Copper age ,but why there is mentioned that it is known as bronze age and there is also a different option for copper age