
The population of village is 1,00,000. The rate of increase is 10% per annum. Find the population at the start of the third year?

A. 1,33,100

B. 1,21,000

C. 1,18,800

D. 1,20,000

E. None of these

Answer: Option B

Solution(By Examveda Team)

100000 == 10%↑(1st year) ==> 110000 == 10%↑(2nd year) ==> 121000
Population at starting of 3rd year = 121000

[By using net percentage change method, we have saved our self from cumber some formulas on population which is based on compound interest].

This Question Belongs to Arithmetic Ability >> Percentage

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Abduselam Isak
    Abduselam Isak :
    5 months ago

    To find the population at the start of the third year, we need to calculate the population after two years of growth.

    Initial population (at the start of the first year) = 100,000
    Rate of increase = 10% per annum

    To calculate the population after one year, we can use the formula:

    Population after one year = Initial population + (Rate of increase * Initial population)

    Population after one year = 100,000 + (0.10 * 100,000) = 100,000 + 10,000 = 110,000

    Now, to calculate the population after two years, we can use the same formula:

    Population after two years = Population after one year + (Rate of increase * Population after one year)

    Population after two years = 110,000 + (0.10 * 110,000) = 110,000 + 11,000 = 121,000

    Therefore, the population at the start of the third year is 121,000.

    The correct answer is B. 1,21,000.

  2. Prathap D
    Prathap D :
    4 years ago

    10% = 1/10. 10..... 11... For 1'st yr
    10......11....for 2nd year
    *- - - - *- - - -
    100. 121
    100--->100000. Then
    121...... = 121000

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