
The sensible heat factor during the heating and humidification process is given by (where h1 = Enthalpy of air entering the heating coil, h2 = Enthalpy of air leaving the heating coil and hA = Enthalpy of air at the end of humidification process)

A. $$\frac{{{{\text{h}}_{\text{A}}} - {{\text{h}}_2}}}{{{{\text{h}}_1} - {{\text{h}}_2}}}$$

B. $$\frac{{{{\text{h}}_2} - {{\text{h}}_{\text{A}}}}}{{{{\text{h}}_1} - {{\text{h}}_2}}}$$

C. $$\frac{{{{\text{h}}_1} - {{\text{h}}_2}}}{{{{\text{h}}_{\text{A}}} - {{\text{h}}_2}}}$$

D. $$\frac{{{{\text{h}}_{\text{A}}} - {{\text{h}}_1}}}{{{{\text{h}}_2} - {{\text{h}}_1}}}$$

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The sensible heat factor during the heating and humidification process is given by $$\frac{{{{\text{h}}_{\text{A}}} - {{\text{h}}_1}}}{{{{\text{h}}_2} - {{\text{h}}_1}}}$$

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Muhammad Sumair
    Muhammad Sumair :
    4 years ago

    this is wrong answer
    sensible heat factor is defiend as the ratio of sensible heat added (h2-h1) to total heat added (hA-h1) so D option can be true if reciprocal is taken

  2. Sumesh Mohanan
    Sumesh Mohanan :
    5 years ago

    Sensible heat factor=sensible heat/ total heat.
    Sensible heat = h2-h1 and total heat= hA-h1.
    SHF during heating and
    humidification =(h2-h1)/(hA-h1)

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B. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\mu {{\text{c}}_{\text{p}}}}}{{\text{k}}}$$

C. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{\rho {\text{V}}l}}{\mu }$$

D. $${{\text{N}}_{\text{N}}} = \frac{{{{\text{V}}^2}}}{{{\text{t}}{{\text{c}}_{\text{p}}}}}$$