
. . . . . . . . Titanic met with . . . . . . . . accident in . . . . . . . . pacific Ocean.

A. the, a, an

B. the, a, a

C. a, the, a

D. the, an, the

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The correct use of articles in the sentence is as follows:

"The Titanic met with an accident in the Pacific Ocean."

In this sentence:
"The" is used before "Titanic" because it refers to a specific ship, the Titanic. "An" is used before "accident" because it is the first mention of the accident, and "an" is used for indefinite nouns.
"The" is used before "Pacific Ocean" because it refers to a specific ocean, the Pacific Ocean.

So, the correct option is Option D: the, an, the, which correctly uses articles in the sentence.

This Question Belongs to Competitive English >> Articles

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Comments ( 1 )

  1. Dev
    Dev :
    7 months ago

    'An' should come in the second blank.

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