Twins developed from different egg cells are known as
A. Dizygotic
B. Monozygotic
C. Zygotic
D. None of the above
Answer: Option A
A. Dizygotic
B. Monozygotic
C. Zygotic
D. None of the above
Answer: Option A
Many of our physical characteristics, like, height, bone structure, hair and eye colour are
A. Inherited
B. Non inherited
C. Secondary qualities
D. None of the above
Twins developed from different egg cells are known as
A. Dizygotic
B. Monozygotic
C. Zygotic
D. None of the above
Delinquency is often associated with
A. Low parental support
B. Inappropriate discipline
C. Family discord
D. All of the above
A normal female has two similar appearing chromosomes in pair 23, called
A. X chromosomes
B. Y chromosomes
C. A chromosomes
D. None of the above
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