
What is the primary purpose of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in Data Science?

A. To make data more complicated

B. To simplify complex data

C. To discover patterns and insights in data

D. To visualize data

Answer: Option C

Solution(By Examveda Team)

The primary purpose of Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) in Data Science is to discover patterns and insights in data. EDA involves examining and summarizing the main characteristics of a dataset to gain a deeper understanding of its structure, identify relationships between variables, detect anomalies, and uncover potential patterns or trends. By exploring the data visually and statistically, data scientists can generate hypotheses, refine their research questions, and inform subsequent analysis or modeling processes.

Options A, B, and D are incorrect:
Option A: To make data more complicated is not the purpose of EDA. Instead, EDA aims to simplify and clarify complex datasets by revealing underlying structures and relationships.
Option B: To simplify complex data is closer to the purpose of EDA, but the primary goal is not just simplification. EDA seeks to understand complex data rather than merely simplifying it.
Option D: To visualize data is one aspect of EDA, but it is not the sole purpose. Visualization is an important tool used during EDA to explore and communicate findings, but the ultimate goal is to gain insights and understand the data better.

Therefore, Option C: To discover patterns and insights in data accurately describes the primary objective of Exploratory Data Analysis in Data Science.

This Question Belongs to Data Science >> Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

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  1. Rohitash Saini
    Rohitash Saini :
    3 months ago

    this answer seem to be right

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