Which function is used to clear the timer value?
A. clearTimervalue()
B. clearTimeout()
C. clear()
D. flush(timer)
Answer: Option B
A. clearTimervalue()
B. clearTimeout()
C. clear()
D. flush(timer)
Answer: Option B
Which of the following can be implemented using animation?
A. Fireworks
B. Fade Effect
C. Roll-in or Roll-out
D. All of the mentioned
Which is the function that calls another function after a time interval?
A. setTimeout()
B. setTime()
C. callafter()
D. none of the mentioned
Which function is used to clear the timer value?
A. clearTimervalue()
B. clearTimeout()
C. clear()
D. flush(timer)
Which is the property used to position the object in the left of the screen?
A. object.position = left
B. object = position.left
C. object.style.left
D. none of the mentioned
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