
Which of the following statement is wrong?

A. The value of C.O.P. is always greater than one

B. In a vapour compression system, the condition of refrigerant before entering the compressor is dry saturated vapour

C. The space between the saturated liquid line and saturated vapour line, in a pressure enthalpy chart, is wet vapour region

D. None of the above

Answer: Option D

Solution(By Examveda Team)

-The value of C.O.P. is always greater than one
- In a vapour compression system, the condition of refrigerant before entering the compressor is dry saturated vapour
- The space between the saturated liquid line and saturated vapour line, in a pressure enthalpy chart, is wet

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Comments ( 2 )

  1. Dr. Akash
    Dr. Akash :
    3 months ago

    in VARS, COP is less than 1. Option A is correct.

  2. Ishang Sharma
    Ishang Sharma :
    4 years ago

    in VARS, COP is less than 1. Option A is correct.

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