
Which of the following statements are true?
Statement I Big data refers to no precise quantity, but generally refers to data in the range of Petabytes and Exabyte, i.e. billions to trillions of records, all from various sources. Big data is generated much faster. than traditional data in much larger quantities.
Statement II Big data interests industries because they are able to learn more patterns and curious variances than smaller data sets, with the capability to provide valuable insights into consumer behaviour, weather systems, financial market activity, or other phenomena.
Statement III Various departments and product lines use various applications within most organisations and store data in separate datasets. These separate databases may contain similar data, but data from one data base to another is not always consistent. This is called data silo.

A. Both statements I and II

B. Both statements II and III

C. Both statements I and III

D. All of the above

Answer: Option D

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