
Which of these has a bigger memory footprint?
Perl, PHP

A. Perl


C. same

D. machine dependent

Answer: Option A

Solution(By Examveda Team)

This question is about the amount of memory each language uses when running.

Think of memory as a space in your computer's brain where programs store information they need to work.

Now, Perl and PHP are both programming languages, but they are slightly different in how they handle memory.

Here's a simplified way to understand the difference:

* Perl tends to use more memory for its operations, especially when handling large amounts of data.
* PHP is often more efficient and can use less memory.

So, which uses more memory? Option A: Perl is likely the answer!

It's important to note that the exact memory usage can change depending on what the program is doing, the size of the data, and other factors. But in general, Perl tends to be more memory-hungry than PHP.

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