Who advocates the concept of 'Sarvodaya'?
A. Ambedkar
B. JP Narayana
C. Gokhale
D. MK Gandhi
Answer: Option D
A. Ambedkar
B. JP Narayana
C. Gokhale
D. MK Gandhi
Answer: Option D
What is the main motive of Total Revolution according to JP Narayana?
A. To bring Communalism
B. To bring Ideal of Sarvodaya
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above
Sarvodaya' according to Gandhi regarded as
A. Downfall of all
B. Rise of All
C. Political enhancement of all
D. All of the above
What does surrogate colonialism referred as?
A. Foreign power encourage for settlement
B. It focuses on obtaining raw material
C. Settler migrate for political purpose
D. All of the above
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