A defendant should present written statement of his defence within thirty days from the service of summons on him. The said period can be extended upto:
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 100 days
Answer: Option C
A. 30 days
B. 60 days
C. 90 days
D. 100 days
Answer: Option C
Under Order 8 Rule 6 Code of Civil Procedure set-off may be permitted if-
A. The suit is for recovery of property
B. Set-off claimed by the defendant is ascertained sum of money
C. Value of property recoverable is less than rupees two lacs
D. Defendant presents a written statement of the suit
A. Is barred under all circumstances
B. Is not barred at all
C. Can be filed with the leave of the court
D. Either B or C
A. Such property actually received or might have received together with interest
B. Property actually received including profits due to improvements made by such person
C. Such property actually received or might have received but without any interest on such profits
D. Such property actually received
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