
A square hole is made in a circular lamina, the diagonal of the square is equal to the radius of the circle as shown in below figure the shift in the centre of gravity is
Applied Mechanics and Graphic Statics mcq question image

A. $$\frac{{{\text{r}}\left( {\pi - 0.75} \right)}}{{\left( {\pi - 0.5} \right)}}$$

B. $$\frac{{{\text{r}}\left( {\pi - 0.25} \right)}}{{\left( {\pi - 0.75} \right)}}$$

C. $$\frac{{{\text{r}}\left( {\pi - 0.5} \right)}}{{\left( {\pi - 0.75} \right)}}$$

D. $$\frac{{{\text{r}}\left( {\pi - 0.5} \right)}}{{\left( {\pi - 0.25} \right)}}$$

Answer: Option A

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B. $${{\text{P}}^2} + {{\text{Q}}^2} + 2{\text{PQ}}\cos \theta $$

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