Average weight of 25 students of a class is 50 kg. If the weight of the class teacher is included , the average is increased by 1 kg. The weight of the teacher is ?

The mean of 100 items was 46. Later on it was discovered that an item 16 was misread as 61 and another item 43 was misread as 34. It was also found that the number of item was 90 and not 100. Then what is the correct mean ?

The average of four consecutive even numbers is 15. The 2nd highest number is :

The average of runs scored by a cricketer in his 99 innings is 99. How many runs will he have to score to his 100th innings so that his average of runs in 100 innings will become 100 ?

A team of 8 persons joins in a shooting competition. The best marksman scored 85 points. If he had scored 92 points, the average score for the team would have been 84. The number of points the team scored was :

What is the average of the first six (positive) odd number each of which is divisible by 7?

A cricketer had a certain average of runs for his 64 innings. In his 65th innings, he is bowled out for no score on his part. This brings down his average by 2 runs. His new average of runs is :

There are 30 students in a class. The average age of first 10 students is 12.5 years. The average age of the remaining 20 students is 13.1 years. The average age (in years) of the students of the whole class is :

The average of marks in Mathematics for 5 students was found to do 50. Later, it was discovered that in the case of one student the marks 48 were misread as 84. The correct average is :

The average marks obtained by a class of 60 students is 65. The average marks of half of the students is found to be 85. The average marks of the remaining students is :

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